Why Kappa Pi Beta?
Over 20 years ago, our founders sought to diversify the opportunities for Asian-American representation in Greek life, but they found that many existing Asian interest fraternities catered specifically to an East Asian centric experience. For our founders, this defeated the purpose of an Asian-American organization. Kappa Pi Beta was founded to provide a platform for students in the Midwest to share their experiences, build understanding, and unify the scattered voices into catalysts of change and progression.
To achieve this goal, we cultivate each of our brothers to become the best versions of themselves so they have the confidence, strength, and discipline to act as true leaders. Many of our brothers and alumni have left their marks in their respective communities with the lessons and support they have received from this fraternity. Now, we are looking to build the next generation of leaders and gentlemen.
What is Recruitment/Rush?
Recruitment is a period in which individuals explore their Greek options. Recruitment allows potential Brothers to examine how the Active Brothers interact amongst themselves and other organizations. Also, recruitment-time allows you to inquire about the organization: Who we are, what we do, etc. During recruitment, fraternities and sororities host a number of free events on and around campus that are open to anyone who is interested in potentially joining the organization or just curious about what Greek life is about and has to offer.

Our Fall 2023 rush has concluded. If you are interested in rushing for the Spring 2024 class, please email kpib.president.uiuc@gmail.com