UIUC ΚΠΒ Presents: Alpha Allegiant Class Reveal

We, the Gentlemen of Kappa Pi Beta Fraternity, Inc., would like to cordially invite YOU to attend our FALL 2018 REVEAL SHOW!

Who are they?

How many are there?

Who’s the Dad? The Mom? The Educator(s)? The Bigs?

You’ll have to come out to get the answers! These Gentlemen have worked hard to earn their letters and are ready to prove it to the UIUC and Midwest Community!

⤞ WHO: UIUC KPiB – Alpha Allegiant Class
⤞ WHAT: Fall 2018 Reveal Show
⤞ WHERE: Greg Hall Room 112
⤞ WHEN: 1 December 2018; 6:00PM, doors open at 5:30PM
⤞ HOW: By any mode of transportation such as, but not limited to, walking, running, Veoride, Lyft, Uber, or CUMTD

**** We would like to extend our invitation to all Greeks (on and off campus), Registered Student Organizations, Greek interests, and any and all friends, family, and spectators! ALL ARE WELCOME HERE! ****

Please fill out the form by 11/25 in order to be greeted.


Feel free to contact our President if you have any questions.

Edward “OBLIVION” Thai
Phone: (224) 659-6786 | E-Mail: kpib.oblivion@gmail.com